Education, Work and Programs


Detainees are offered a range of education and training opportunities to gain the skills that will assist in gaining employment on release and reducing recidivism.

ACT Corrective Services works in partnership with an external education provider to identify the educational or vocational needs and goals of each detainee. Education services include literacy and numeracy support, foundational qualifications and vocational training.

Detainees have access to computers in their cell and e-learning modules that support their educational or vocational enrolment.

Detainees may also choose to engage in tertiary study of their choosing.

Please see the Detainee Access to Education, Library and Information Communication Technology Policy for more information.

Work activities

Work activities provide detainees with the opportunity to gain vocational skills and qualifications, as well as develop good work practices that lead to sustainable employment outcomes and reduced reoffending in the community.

Detainees receive payment for their participation in work activities. More information can be found in the Detainee Work Policy.

Industries work

Work opportunities that aim to mirror industries in the community. Includes bakery, barber, barista, grounds keeping and maintenance, painting and horticulture.

Accommodation work

Detainees undertake the cleaning and care of their accommodation areas, and other constructive activities.


Detainees are provided with access to a wide range of programs according to risk, need and their ability and willingness to respond to the program. The ACTCS Rehabilitation Framework informs the programs on offer to detainees through their sentence management plan.

Programs offered include:

A full list of programs available to detainees can be found in the Programs Compendium 2024