Yeddung Mura External Reporting Site Evaluation Report

ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) recently completed an evaluation of the Yeddung Mura External Reporting Site (the Reporting Site). The evaluation of the External Reporting Site aimed to assess the longer-term viability of external reporting sites for First Nations clients and other populations.

In July 2021, the Reporting Site was established at Yeddung Mura to facilitate culturally appropriate supervision of First Nations Peoples who are subject to community-based corrections orders or on parole.

The evaluation highlighted the many benefits the Reporting Site offers ACTCS clients, including:

  • Improving social and cultural supports that enable clients to stay connected to the service and achieve their case plan goals.
  • Opportunity to better build rapport with Community Corrections staff in a familiar environment.
  • Access to services that support positive mental health and wellbeing.

The evaluation also found that clients, stakeholders and Yeddung Mura staff were overwhelmingly supportive of the External Reporting Site.

The support that clients, stakeholders and Yeddung Mura staff contribute to the External Reporting Site helps to solidify that this site, amongst other external reporting sites, is an important step for ACTCS.

The full report is available to read.